Saturday, September 13, 2008

Are you there God? It's me.


Do you like the feeling of being alone? neither do I and that is how I felt just about all day.
I think being or feeling alone is a very dark and scary feeling. A feeling that God doesn't want us to feel.

I felt truly alone today. I was out, with a band that I met here in Albania. They are some cool guys, but the spirit is not in them. Today, I was alone. I felt Satan's power of the world. I felt his angels in the world, working and hardening hearts and turning people away from their creator. And to be honest, it made me want to curl up and die. I don't think we were created to be alone. Even Jesus knew the necessity of companionship. We see this in The Gospel of Mark 14:32-42.

Here we see Jesus facing his impending doom head on. He knows he's about to be betrayed, and he knows he is about to suffer. And he doesn't want to face it alone. So he asks his 3 best and closest friends to be with him and keep watch. Peter, James, and John. But guess what. They fall asleep. How terrible Jesus must have felt. Jesus is facing death and all he wants is his best friends to be with him, and they dessert him because they are a little tired. We know the rest of the story. I don't say that to make light of it, but we do know the story.

My emphasis was on the fact that even the king of the world needed companionship and friendship in the spirit. We live in a dark world, don't try and face it alone. Be bold, be courageous, but do it with community, have accountability have friends. Don't be alone.

I encourage you to step up to the challenge and create the unity in the spirit. Go out and find the person who is alone, start a group that is all about christian community. Don't wait for it to come to you because it won't. I am telling you this from experience. Companionship is a necessity, and I believe with every aspect of my being that we were meant to be together. So let's live it.

God Bless.


Unknown said...

I felt this way about my church on Sunday, especially my youth group. I see Satan at work there, and even as small and insecure as I feel as a person, I feel God is calling me (ME!?!?!) to challenge these dark forces in my church and wake them up.

It's a little nerve racking, and I feel like they all think I'm crazy, but I know that God is bigger than what I'm up against. =)

Btw, I went up front Sunday... I'm giving up secular music (FINALLY)!! My eyes are open to the spirit world (for the first time). Praise God!

brettincasie said...

I love this post. And I love you.

Tara said...

I appreciate very much the fact that Jesus needed His friends, and that He didn't want to be alone. He could have handled all of those things alone, He could have walked on this earth alone - but He didn't want to.
It's a good reminder to me that I need others. It's amazing what pride can do to us, how it can hinder us. You are right - companionship is necessary in this life, and there's no room for selfish pride in that.
Thank you for being open and admitting these things. And thanks for helping me to never be alone.