Friday, September 5, 2008


We are all guilty of using the word "but". It's part of our human nature. We are beings of condition. We are beings that like things, BUT, if it hurts us or costs us something, we seem to complain or we let it go all together.

I have been thinking this quite a bit today and this is my thought. If we made a list of our this or that, BUT we would have a long list and I believe it would look pretty silly and pathetic.

I love you, BUT I don't like you.
I will help you, BUT I won't enjoy it.
I will teach, BUT I know nothing good will come out of it.
I know what to do, BUT I can't do it.

The list can, and does go on. But, the point of this post was to look at Jesus. These are some of the things I see Jesus and God saying all the time. The list, to me, looks something different.

I know that creation will turn and forget me, BUT I will create them anyway.
I know they will ignore my laws and commands, BUT I will give them a way to come back to me.
I know they will reject me and persecute me, BUT I will go down and die anyway.
I know I could turn these stones into bread, BUT man does not live on bread alone.
I know I am innocent, BUT I lay my life down so that others may live.
I know that I am scared, BUT I am going anyway.

But...Nothing is what I have to say for myself. I have no right complaining or arguing about anything. So, let's go out there and be Jesus.

I know I am a sinner, BUT I am redeemed. So I am trying to live like it.

God Bless.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It's funny... I have been thinking about the word "but" all day today. And like you wrote about, I've been thinking about the sacrifices God made on behalf of humanity DESPITE what that meant, and despite what the cost would be for His son.

It's like you are on the same Spirit-connection wavelink as me... and it's starting to creep me out! haha Keep at it. Your blogs are thought provoking and inspiring! =)