Friday, August 8, 2008

Excuse me waiter...More water please?

Wow, God blew me away today.

We had our evening class at church and the speaker was talking about water. I have heard it all a million times, Jesus is the living water drink and you will never be thirsty again. (It's highlighted in my Bible.) It sounds great and people love to hear it. Today, however, I understand LIVING water a little more than I did yesterday. Here is what I realized.

Creation- I am not sure if I understand it fully or not, but my Bible says the in the beginning the world was formless and empty and water covered the whole earth. So we see from the beginning there was water. Before there was life on this earth there was water. (Genesis 1:2)

Garden of Eden- The Bible says it did not rain in the garden, water would come up from the ground and water the plants. From that I get that the plants and everything growing grew right from the source of living water. It did not have to rain for nourishment and growth, the ground was saturated with life. We also read of 4 Rivers that flow through the garden. What purpose did they serve. It gave life of course! From the very beginning, we can see that water gives life. (Genesis 2:10-14)

Jacob and the twelve tribes- This is kind of far-fetched and you have to use your imagination but Jacob met those men at the well and because of that found Laban who gave him his wives and eventually through the well, the promise of God to Abraham was fulfilled. (Genesis 29)

The Exodus- The Israelites after 430 years of slavery, after seeing the power of God in plagues and in the parting of the Red Sea, which by the way is a body of water. When they forgot all about God his ability to provide they complained. God tells moses to strike a rock. What happens? Water gushes out. First of all you have to picture close to two million people. In numbers it looks something like this: 2,000,000. That's a whole lot of people. This is not some small stream we are getting here. This is a river in the desert. It provided life for a few million people. That is living water.

There are many more examples I am sure of water and how important to life. We see them all the time, but we think nothing of it. It's so simple, yet so necessary to life. Let's fastforward some years. I am not a Bible scholar but I would venture to guess somewhere a thousand years passes by, possibly more. Let's take a look at the new Testament...

John The Baptist- What was John's mision in life? It was to prepare the war for the Lord. He came baptizing people for their remission of sins. What is a key element to Baptism? Water. (Don't critique my last phrase. I know that water really isn't an element. It is a compound made up of a simple mixture of 2Hydrogen Atoms to 1Oxygen atom. Let's stick to the point at hand.) Water is essential for baptism. How crazy is that? The same thing necessary for life on this earth is the same thing necessary for spiritual life.( *Note* Obviously there are different opinion on the matter at hand. I suggest studying the scriptures for yourself and finding answeres that you may believe to be true. This is what I have come to believe.)

And last and obviously not last...

JESUS CHRIST- Please turn to John Chapter 4.
Here the savior of the world- who has humbled himself more than any one man can grasp (Philippians 2)- sits down at a well and askes a "half-breed" for a drink of water. The Son of Man is thirsty. He asks for water. WOW! that's incredible. So simple yet it leads to something powerful and deep. At this point I kinda feel like Jesus is smiling to himself. He knows he is about to blow this lady away and he is having a hard time keeping it in. So he asks her for a drink. You really have to understand the culture of the day to really get this, but she replies, "How is it that you, a Jew, ask for a drink of water from me, a Samaritan Woman?"
Then Jesus starts: " If you knew the gift of God, and who is saying to you, "Give Me a drink," you would ask Him, and he would give you living water."
They continue back and forth about physicial water and drawing it of a well. But Jesus cuts in again, and says that people who drink that water become thirsty again and they have to come back and get more water. Now, Jesus let's her really have it. He talks about the living water that he gives, that He is.

Of course that lady's life changes for ever when she realizes that she is talking to the Messiah, and she runs away and tells the whole city. ( I think) But that is so key to life. Right here we see the I AM in the flesh telling us that true life is a wellspring of water flowing out of us giving life to those around us.

Today, water is a big thing in the world. Helping people get clean water to drink, just to survive. There are people dying every second almost, because they don't have clean water to drink. The most simple of concepts and we fail to see it everyday. "NO WATER=NO LIFE"
So please, let's drink together the living water of the Lord. Let's share in the abundance of the well that never goes dry.

I really like the song "All Who are Thirsty" I have included them at the end of this blog. Sorry so long once again. But deal with is. You didn't have to read this far. I love you all, and I am praying.

All who are thirsty
All who are weak
Come to the fountain
Dip your heart in the stream of life
Let the pain and the sorrow
Be washed away
In the waves of his mercy
As deep cries out to deep (we sing)

Come Lord Jesus come

Holy Spirit come

As deep cries out to deep

"All Who are Thirsty by: Kutless"


Unknown said...

These thoughts make me =D.
Your insights make me =D.
And YOU make me =D.

1 Corinthian 1:4-9

Tara said...

Water isn't an element?
Oh yes. Right.
This is amazing. I'm proud of you for letting God work through you. It's not always easy, and we don't always know that it's happening. But I'm very, very proud of you.
Love you.