Friday, August 1, 2008

A little about myself.

Well, I finally caved and got a blog!

Since this is my first blog I will say a little about myself.

I am:
  • -Broken
  • -Beat up
  • -Confused
  • -Lost
  • -Worried
  • -Sinful
  • -Reborn
  • -Saved
  • -In need of a Savior
  • -In need of Grace
That about sums the real me up. I love music and in my next blog, I will explain the title of my blog. But I needed to let you all know these things about myself. I am not good at anything. I don't have wisdom, I am not good at thinking of deep spiritual things to say. I don't read my Bible enough, I take my salvation for granted, and I try to do to much, when Jesus just asks for all I have to give him.

If there were a line for grace, I would be the first one in line. I am sinful and broken, but God is good and his son has risen. Therefore, I am a new creation. I am on a journey, and I serve a great God.

I play music, and I really believe that is how I best share God with others. But, I have put that off for a little over a year to learn more of God and to experience him on a more intimate level by moving to Durres, Albania as a missionary-still broken, and still in need of grace.

I have a lot to say, but most of it doesn't amount to anything. My only goal is to worship God and do my best to lead others to the cross where I found true life, and where I found forgiveness.

"A theif comes only to steal and to kill and to destroy. I have come that they may have life and have it in abundance."
John 10:10

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Darin, Darin, Darin. =) I hope you know that our Abba is looking down on you and smiling. I have seen growth in you (even though I am seeing it from afar). Never forget the plans God has for you, you're not done becoming great! Pray for wisdom everyday, God says He will give it to us if we just ask it of him... and believe me, having His wisdom is very helpful in this crazy world.

I look forward to reading your blogs as they come in. =) Know also that I am ALWAYS just a click away. <3 In Christ, ~ Joy